
Microscale Thermophoresis

Microscale thermophoresis is based on the detection of a temperature-induced change in fluorescence of a target as a function of the concentration of a non-fluorescent ligand. Two distinct effects contribute to the fluorecence signal: a temperature induced change of fluorescence quantum yield of the dye (temperature dependent intensity change, TRIC) and the directed movement of molecules in a temperaure gradient (thermophoresis) which depend on molecular interactions of the fluorescent target molecule with a ligand. In contrast to SPR, interactions are measured in solution thus there are no problems with immobilisation and unspecific adsorption at the chip surface. Measurements are conducted in glass capillaries consuming only a few µL of solution. Disadvantages of the method are the need of a fluorescence dye that can interfere with the measurement and requires labeling of one of the interaction partners, and the fact that two effects contribute to the MST signal.

Created by othman. Last Modification: 2023-12-12 09:49 by othman.