FGCZ Genomics > Tariffs

FGCZ PacBio Services and Prices

Prices valid from July 2022.


ETHZ/UZH (SNF or other funds) External Academic
Library Preparation
Genomic HiFi library prep, 15-18kb * 366.25 CHF 482.15 CHF
Shotgun Metagenomics HiFi library prep, 10kb, per sample 213.65 CHF 243.1 CHF
Multiplexed Microbial genomes library prep, 7-10kb (barcoded by ligation, pooled), per sample 213.65 CHF 243.1 CHF
Library prep from amplicon pool (barcodes added by user via PCR) 271.7 CHF 366.35 CHF
Multiplexed Amplicons library prep (barcoded by ligation, pooled), per sample 154.1 CHF 186.2 CHF
IsoSeq library prep 577.15 CHF 724.65 CHF
Size Selection on the BluePippin device, per sample 106.25 CHF 137.2 CHF
Sequel IIe SMRT Cell 8M for Microbial multiplexing and amplicons <3Kb (15h movie) 2'086.5 CHF 2'798.25 CHF
Sequel IIe SMRT Cell 8M for HiFi libraries, IsoSeq and amplicons >3Kb (30h movie) 2'416.5 CHF 3'348.25 CHF
Data Analysis
Demultiplexing of barcodes added via ligation at FGCZ included included
Demultiplexing of barcodes added via PCR by user 110 CHF 175 CHF
Default settings CCS Data Analysis (per SMRT cell) included included
Custom settings CCS Data Analysis (per SMRT cell) 110 CHF 175 CHF
Assembly and/or custom work (charged per hour) 110 CHF 175 CHF

* excluding size-selection on the BluePippin device (optional)

This price table is just meant to help our users with experiment cost estimations. For an official quotation please inquire at sequencing@fgcz.ethz.ch
The prices for industry customers are not displayed. Please inquire.

FGCZ Genomics > Services